Indicative Texts

Indicative Texts

In this section we present Texts from our Publications

SRI YOGANANDA: The world religion should be One

From our publication “Speeches of Great Mystics”

Indicative Texts

In this section we present Texts from our Publications

Isaac Newton: Awaken, my fellow-countrymen

From our publication “Incorruptible Discourses: The Echo”

Indicative Texts

In this section we present Texts from our Publications

Homer: When you do not know God’s Will, do not bear ill-will towards those whom you do not like

From our publication “Homer’s Man and Peace”

HIPPOCRATES: Medicine is a Sacred Duty


A Teaching by Hippocrates

An introductory Teaching by Hippocrates about Medicine and the duties of doctors.

From our publication: “Spiritual Medicine”

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