A brief description of the book: SPEECHES of GREAT MYSTICS
This is the English translation of the 2nd edition of the book in Greek “Ομιλίες Μεγάλων Μυστών” (Speeches of Great Mystics). It is a selection of spiritualistic Texts transmitted by Higher Spiritual Entities.
Modern man is no more satisfied with what established doctrines and various philosophical systems have to offer. He seeks to quench his thirst for spiritual knowledge in areas, such as esoterism, mysticism, theosophy, eastern religions and systems, etc. without finding the expected spiritual satisfaction and enlightenment.
Teachers from the Highest Hierarchy of the Spiritual World come to enlighten man on his path, by clarifying obscure points of past teachings and revealing truths and knowledge for the future evolution of humanity. Some of these Teachers have been well-known Great Mystics on Earth. Others have lived as unknown men but they were very evolved entities and they are revealed through these Texts.
Some of the Texts contained in this book refer to the life and work of the Great Mystics on Earth. There is also a number of enlightening speeches on subjects like divination, prophecies, ancient mysteries, the unification of all religions, and many more.
Some contents of the book: SPEECHES of GREAT MYSTICS
PHARAH: The Ancient Greek Spirit ……………………….. 9
PYTHAGORAS: Qualifications of a true mystic ……….. 10
PHARAH: The apocryphal of the Eleusinian Mysteries 11
PHARAH: Orpheus’ position in Heaven …………………. 12
PHARAH: Mohammed as an entity ……………………….. 12
PHARAH: Buddhism ……………………………………………. 13
GREAT MYSTIC: Mission of mystics on Earth …………. 14
PHARAH: About Socrates’ daemon …………………………. 15
PHARAH: The Holy Spirit is impersonal ………………… 16
PHARAH: The services of Moses were great but not
perfect ……………………………………………….. 17
PHARAH: The ancestors of the Ancient Greeks ………. 18
PHARAH: About Solomon ……………………………………. 19
PHARAH: The descent of Moses ……………………………. 20
PHARAH, MOSES: Apology ………………………………….. 21
MOSES: Enlightening advices ……………………………….. 22
SOCRATES: What was my Daemon ……………………….. 23
PLUTARCH: The origin of the Eleusinian Mysteries … 24
TSIN-LAI-SEK: The spiritual situation in China ……… 25
PHARAH: About Nostradamus ……………………………… 26
MOSES: The purpose of the appearance of the Lord …. 27
ORPHEUS: Music, a divine gift ……………………………… 30
JEREMIAH THE PROPHET: Announcement of future
prophecies ………………………………………. 31
CONFUCIUS: Buddhism is a complicated religion …… 32
PHARAH: Who is Archon Pharah ………………………….. 33
CONFUCIUS: The Entity of Confucius ……………………. 36
HOMER: How I versified my Epics ………………………… 37
KOUTOULOKTAN: The voice of conscience ……………. 38
PHARAH, ORPHEUS: Orpheus and Eurydice ………… 40
CONFUCIUS: Divination ………………………………………. 42
PHARAH: Who is the Administrator of the Holy Spirit 43
PHARAH: Jesus Christ, the First-Created Soul ……….. 44
CONFUCIUS: Gnosis and knowledge ……………………… 46
MOSES: The Laws were incomplete because of me …… 48
PHARAH: The Great Mystics ………………………………… 49
LAO TSE: The reason of my punishment ………………… 51
PHARAH: Polytheism and monotheism ………………….. 52
unknown Arab ………………………………………. 54
PHARAH: Dionysius the Areopagite, a deeply-versed
man in the Inconceivable ………………………… 56
SOLON THE ATHENIAN: About the mystics of
Atlantis ………………………………………………….. 57
CONFUCIUS: Love is ahead ………………………………….. 62
PHARAH: About Apollonius of Tyana and Solon the
Lawmaker ……………………………………………….. 63
PHARAH: Questions about the Indian Teaching ……… 65
healer ………………………………………………………… 68
PHARAH: The mission of Moses on Earth ………………. 69
PHARAH: The position of Prophet Jeremiah ……………. 70
MOSES: Confession ……………………………………………… 71
EDUARD SCHURE: Jesus was not only a Mystic …….. 72
TSIN-YA-SE: Sayings of an ancient Chinese Teacher … 73
PHARAH, CONFUCIUS: The Holy Spirit as the Third
Member of the Deity ………………………………. 75
PYTHAGORAS: About the Cross ……………………………. 77
PHARAH, BABAJI: First appearance of Babaji ……….. 79
HIPPARCHUS: The Gospels of the Ancient Era ………. 81
APOLLONIUS OF TYANA: The Divine Enlightenment
is everything ………………………………………….. 82
BABAJI: The unity of the Religions ……………………….. 84
LIGHT OF TRUTH: About altruism ……………………….. 85
PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA: My work enlightened
many ………………………………………………………. 86
SRI YUKTESWAR: The work of the Gurus on Earth …. 88
ISOCRATES: The way of researching the truth ………… 89
LAHIRI MAHASAYA: About the word “Mantra” ………. 91
SWAMI: Speech of an Indian hermit ……………………… 91
SWAMI OF THE TIGERS: “Pulsating vibrations” …….. 92
CONFUCIUS: Sayings of a Chinese wise man ………….. 94
ORPHEUS: I am not a mythical person …………………… 94
ORPHEUS: The Law of the Irrevocable ………………….. 95
MAHAVIRA: All religions will be connected into one .. 96
KRISHNA: I taught about the existence of God ……….. 98
PINDAR: The sacred work of Homer ………………………. 99
PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA: Psychic education ….. 101
PHARAH: The ancient Gods of the Greeks ………………. 102
Sample text 1 of the book: SPEECHES of GREAT MYSTICS
CONFUCIUS: My dear ones, each Leader of the Palace of the Lord gives brief notes about his existence, in order to clarify about his Entity as a member of the Deity.
I existed many centuries ago, before the coming of the Lord as Savior of the World. In my time, despite the education of a few people, we did not have Heavenly Enlightenment; nevertheless, through the earthly knowledge I was able to find where pain, sorrow and the bad enlightenment of man reside. Through my relative wealth I acquired the powers, in order to distribute my wealth and transfer my powers to my fellowmen, based on the phrase: “Love thy neighbor”.
My worthiness as researcher of the human abyss gave me the primacy of the supreme knowledge, so that I enlighten the backward and badly enlightened people, who were motivated by their personal action to acquire the earthly goods. While my publicity was gaining ground, my enemies, or rather the enemies of Virtue, were fighting my knowledge.
I appeared on Earth another time, as well. I kept the name of my last incarnation. In the previous incarnation I was Indian but the time was dark then and I was not able, despite all my effort, to consolidate the deification of Love in the concept of the pure. My brightness left a few, who transmitted my knowledge to the people of that old time.
No matter how great one is in Heaven, when he incarnates he does not remember anything from the Heavenly life because he goes through the Barrier of Forgetfulness. He may remember a past life of his on Earth but not the recent life he left in Heaven. This is the great Mystery! Here in Heaven the entity remembers all its incarnations because this secret does not escape from Heaven.
Today, if we give you explanations and clarifications on many points of our Kingdom, it is because the All-Merciful gave the permission, since the spirit of man is in position to perceive the Truth, if it is in good relations with the latter. Whereas in the Old Scriptures it was not possible for us to explain any Mystery.
Today we do this more easily, precisely for the reason to awaken you from the heavy sleep of your dark existence. The Light of Heaven today descends freely to the human race. I say “freely” because the people of true research have a wide perception.
Research our New Scriptures to convince yourselves about the accuracy of what we transmit to you. Let God be your assistant.
Sample text 2 of the book: SPEECHES of GREAT MYSTICS
PARAMHANSA YOGANANDA: You have the blessings ofthe Lord.
My dear brethren, my work enlightened many on Earth, in other words it opened wide horizons to them for the learning of psychism. I did not occupy myself so much with the methods of my dear Gurus but I am, so you understand me better, the “prelude” of the whole learning. There are splendid Teachers for your esoteric world. I loved all of them as if they were one and the same soul.
Of course, I also had an exception, since I was connected with my Teacher as a pupil/son to his teacher/father. Towards the end of my life I saw the vision of sweet-spoken Jesus to smile and utter words, which I did not want to mention because He prohibited me. Today, as a spirit, I have the right to tell you what He told me:
“My Child, when the time of your departure from Earth comes, with open arms I will receive you inside My Kingdom. Because you worked in favor of the new horizons. You opened ways that lead to the same point of their destination. You will be rewarded more than others that may be considered superior to you”.
How can my eyes, my dear brethren, not be overcome by tears, most pure and full of joy, when Jesus himself addressed me, the unworthy to mention even His name?
PHARAH’S INTERVENTION: Brother, if you were unworthy, the Lord would not have called you near him.
— Thank You, Lord, from the bottom of my soul, because on Earth I have known You as one of the Saviors of humanity. In Heaven, You are praised as God because You indeed have weighted Your Words, as Man, so that You receive the throne of the Spiritual World, which rules the Universe. Indeed, You are Son of God and from God a God was born. And as a man You glorified the Throne of Your Father, so that, upon Your return to Heaven You received the Scepter of Your Divinity. Blessed be Thy Name in the ages of ages.
From now on, my dear brethren, you should open a new page. Many of my brother Gurus of the eternal life will come and visit you.
Paramhansa Yogananda